A collection of books, articles, chapters and other writings associated with the project.

The Time of Building: Kamil Khan Mumtaz and Architecture in Pakistan
A book-length, ‘portable archive’ documenting the career of the Lahore-based architect Kamil Khan Mumtaz. This book is free to download and is the first publication from the project.
Chris Moffat with Kiran Ahmad and Amen Jaffer
October 2023
Further Reading
A selection of writings that have informed the themes and objectives of the project:
- Angelika Fitz, Elke Krasny and Marvi Mazhar (eds.), Yasmeen Lari: Architecture for the Future (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2023)
- Marvi Mazhar, Assorted Research and Publications via
- Chris Moffat, ‘History in Pakistan and the Will to Architecture’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 39:1 (2019), 171-83.
- Chris Moffat, ‘Building, Dwelling, Dying: Architecture and History in Pakistan’, Modern Intellectual History 18:2 (2021), 520-46.
- Chris Moffat, ‘Lahore After the Modern: Architecture, Equality and Community in Yasmeen Lari’s Anguri Bagh’, Global Intellectual History (Online FirstView, 2022).
- Kamil Khan Mumtaz, Architecture in Pakistan (Singapore: Mimar, 1985).
- Kamil Khan Mumtaz, Modernity and Tradition: Contemporary Architecture in Pakistan (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1999).